"Don't Fall Victim to Fraud: Protect Yourself" OMT and Internal Security Forces Join Forces for International Fraud Awareness Week

"Don't Fall Victim to Fraud: Protect Yourself" OMT and Internal Security Forces Join Forces for International Fraud Awareness Week

As part of the International Fraud Awareness Week, scheduled from November 12 to 18, 2023, OMT, in collaboration with the General Directorate of Internal Security Forces (ISF), is pleased to announce the launch of a joint awareness campaign titled "Don't Fall Victim to Fraud: Protect Yourself."
This campaign aims to shed light on the most prominent fraudulent methods and signs that people should be aware of in order to avoid falling victim to fraud.
In this regard, Major General Imad Othman, the Director General of the Internal Security Forces (ISF), stated, "Dedicating a global week to raise awareness against fraud is necessary to address the global need to combat fraudulent crimes, as they pose a significant threat to societies. Therefore, the combined efforts between the Directorate and the private sector, such as OMT, enhance the ability to combat fraud and reduce its risks."
Chairman Toufic Moawad stated, "We are proud to collaborate with the Internal Security Forces (ISF) in addressing the challenges of the digital world, which is not without the dangers of financial fraud. This campaign aims to empower customers with the necessary knowledge and awareness." Moawad also commended the efforts of the Internal Security Forces (ISF) in combating fraud and safeguarding citizens.
The Internal Security Forces remind citizens of the importance of reporting any instances of fraud through "Report" service on the website "isf.gov.lb".